Launch your mobile app
10x faster
Build and launch your mobile app without the headaches and costly overheads by leveraging the Kotlin boilerplate code and customizable templates.
Over 20+ apps built

Watch how you can build a native mobile app in a few minutes
App Payments
In-App Payments and Subscriptions
Payments are an essential feature of any app, and included in the SwiftApps Android boilerplate is an interface for accepting payments. Monetize your app instantly with pre-built paywalls powered by RevenueCat and customize them to match your designs.

Customizable UI for your app
Easy to build screens
Maintain a Native app look and feel with screens build with Jetpack compose. Easily customize these screens to suit your product and ship faster!

Manage Content inside the app
Add your prodcuts or a custom feed through the Supabase integration in the boilerplate. Post your data and allow user to post data seemlessly

Login and Signup
User authentication allows you to personalise your app and keep your users hooked. Let your users Sign up and Login via the pre-built screens in the boilerplate and save hours on coding.

The fastest way to build Android apps with our mobile app boilerplate and start earning
Get lifetime access to the most comprehensive Android app boilerplate.
Build and ship mobile apps fast with our battle-tested boilerplate.
$50 off for the first 50 customers (45 left)
Kotlin Boilerplate
Android App
Payments with RevenueCat
Login and Sign up
Data Management in App
Lifetime Updates
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Frequently asked questions
More questions? Drop me a message on my X account @brhn_dev
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